NHK「おかあさんといっしょ」のイラストを手掛けたサタケ氏がゲスト!「Try Creative!」
It starts with facilitating an event featuring Shunsuke Satake.
He spoke on the theme of illustration and talked about everything from sales techniques for working as an illustrator to money. The event supports people who want to become creators in the future to take the first step. I would like to hear more about money at the event again.
Memories of meeting him for the first time at a private exhibition and having him say I look like a koala.

クリエイティブな生存戦略を学ぼう!「世界一やさしい フリーランスの教科書 1年生」著者・高田ゲンキさんによる「フリーランスの働き方講座」「Try Creative!」
At the end of the year, I facilitated an event with Genki Takada.
Genki, who has been freelancing for 18 years, is an illustrator who also thinks deeply about how to work and live.
We spoke to him about challenges, direction, learning and action as a creator survival strategy.
And the story behind the appointment.
What kind of thoughts does he have about how to live and work? I really want to meet him! so I made an appointment directly with him in Germany.
Even so, I was able to support him on his trip to Germany, and when we met in Berlin, we spoke for nearly four hours… I was very impressed.
Everyone should meet him at least once. She is a very nice person.

【参加無料】フォトグラファーになろう!保坂さほさんに聞く「写真ド素人が、売れっ子フォトグラファーなるまで」supported by 日本HP
From a completely different industry, originally a shoe salesman, to a professional and successful photographer!
Everyone has no experience. We asked Saho, who started from the same stage as many people in a different industry to become a photographer, about her thoughts and essence of how she got there!
Your life changes depending on how you think and live. This project made me think about it again. Thank you very much!

【東京キャンパスオープニングイベント】自分らしくて新しい!働き方の見つけ方 〜 オフライン開催 〜
New ways of working LAB and LIFUL’s co-working space LIFUL HUB are the new campus and the event is held!
I hope I can support people who are looking for or challenging themselves to find a new way of working, not a new way of working for the world, but a new way of working for themselves.
I’m a first time speaker and I’m nervous… I will polish my language more.